Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Business Accounting Software

Accounting is a system of collecting, summarizing, analyzing and reporting, in monetary terms, information about an organization.

The end product of business accounting software is the financial statements consisting of the balance sheet, profit and loss account, and statement of changes in financial position.

These statements are, therefore, the source of information on the basis of which conclusions can be drawn regarding the operations of a firm. The analysis and interpretation of financial statements would depend upon the nature and type of information available.

When talking about business accounting software, the balance sheet is a significant financial statement of a firm. In fact, it is called a fundamental accounting report. Other terms to describe this financial statement are statement of financial position or position statement. As the name suggests, the balance sheet provides information about the financial standing/ position of a firm at a particular point of time. It can be visualized as a snapshot of the financial status of a company. The financial position of the company is valid for only one day- the reference day. On a preceding or following day, it is bound to be different.

The financial position of a firm as disclosed by the balance sheet refers to its resources and obligations and the interest of its owners in the business. In operational terms, the balance sheet contains information in respect of assets, liabilities and shareholders equity. It can be presented in either of two forms: account form or report form. It is usually presented in account form. In the report form a step-wise balance sheet is prepared, listings asset at the top followed by liabilities and owners equity. The contents of the balance sheet, in whatever form presented, consist of assets of the firm and the means, by which they have been financed, that is, liabilities and owners equity.

Business Accounting Software provides detailed information on Business Accounting Software, Best Business Accounting Software, Free Small Business Accounting Software, Small Business Accounting Software Reviews and more. Business Accounting Software is affiliated with Small Business Accounting Software.

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5 Minute Guide to CRM

by Natalie Aranda

For any successful company, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of the most important factors in customer acquisition.

It not only consists of building extensive relationships with customers and other businesses, but it also allows a company to find out how their product is viewed by their audiences.

In order to have a successful product, a business must have a great relationship with the public.

For instance, if Disney were to come out with a new product line, they would have to know who their audience is, what they expect out of a product, and the type of quality they want.

Although it sounds like a difficult quest, it is actually quite easy to find this sort of information. Luckily, CRM software can help find out these answers.

CRM software is extremely important for any company who is serious about accomplishing a goal. If they are ready to release a new product or just want to get better sales, these programs can help them determine what to do.

Many businesses love CRM software because it allows them to analyze their customer’s behavior and why they react a certain way. Depending upon the money you want to spend, these CRM solutions can either evaluate your data that you put in yourself, or collect information from the website visits or e-mails you receive.

When trying to find a great CRM solution, it is important to question your needs and what you want from the software. Many programs offer a different amount of features, thus it is important to break down what you would like.

Also, you must remember that your employees will need to know how to use the software and understand the information that it presents. This may be a large problem if you have to train your entire staff. It not only forces you to spend more money than you need to, but it also slows down the process of building customer relationships.

Although CRM software greatly helps a company reach their goal and make more money, there are other factors to think about. Unfortunately, CRM software may only take you so far. After all, it is only a computer program!

Every successful business needs an intelligent and creative staff who can take the company to another level. If you don’t have a great team, your CRM software will only give you a massive headache.

While there are many factors that go hand in hand with great sales, companies still need to focus on satisfying their customers. For that reason, customer relationship management helps both the customer and the business itself. After all, if there are happy customers, chances are they will go and tell their friends about their favorite product.

We all know that word of mouth spreads easily, thus resulting in better and bigger sales. However, small businesses know how terrible it can be to face negative and unhappy audiences. It is mind blowing to think that a few customers can mean the end of a business.

Luckily, with hundreds of customer relationship management solutions and software, companies are now able to find out how they can please their customers.

Natalie Aranda writes on business and technology. CRM software is important for customer acquisition. Many businesses love CRM systems because it allows them to analyze their customer’s behavior and why they react a certain way. Depending upon the money you want to spend, these CRM solutions can either evaluate your data that you put in yourself, or collect information from the website visits or e-mails you receive. Web based CRM has gained the popularity because of the ease of implementation and lower initial cost.

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Setting Up Accounting Software - Not As Scary As It Seems

To many people the idea of physically building a house themselves from scratch would also be a daunting task and many would say they couldn't do it.

If, however, I drew two parallel lines on the ground, gave you a ruler and shovel and said dig a trench between those lines 300mm deep you could conceive doing that. Then I said put these strips of steel in the bottom and fill the trench with the concrete that will be delivered by truck and level it out you would imagine that being quite within your reach. So the instructions go on - one step at a time, one brick at a time, one nail at a time until the house is built.

The concept of just having a plan and building the house without specific instructions, or having the task broken down into small manageable pieces, is the exact opposite and could be conceived as enormous. The concept of just digging the trench is simple. The concept of now adding the steel is simple - until the whole project is finished. Therefore the step by step approach and not worrying about what is to come later makes the whole project manageable and, who knows, could even be fun.

The concept of setting up accounting software should also be reasonably simple - if taken step by step, stage by stage.

Most accounting software packages will let you take this approach and, as with the house example, it is important that you set yourself a plan of implementation and don't move onto the next stage until you have perfected the stage you are working on. Don't start laying the bricks until you have finished, and are happy with, the foundations.

Some accounting software trainers and even some accountants will encourage you to get the whole thing, all modules, up and running from day one, or by some unrealistic date deadline.

Some will sit there for hour after hour, at your expense, training until your brain is totally numb and confused. Don't accept this. It is easy for them - they know what they are talking about - they have probably been there dozens and dozens of times before and know the thing inside out.

You are fooling yourself and probably paying buckets of money out for training when most of it will be wasted, simply because you haven't given yourself a chance to understand the basics and work at your pace and level of understanding.

If you are paying someone to train you on accounting software make sure that the sessions are no longer than around two hours each. Much more than this and you are wasting your time and money and will in all probability end up discouraged, definitely confused and even disinterested.

Don't let them push you onto something new until you fully understand the stage you are currently doing and, ideally, have had some practice at it and watched it interface into the ledger. Accounting software setup can be a complex issue with some packages but simply take it slowly - step by step.

Starting the actual setup

I am probably going to ask you now to understand and setup some things that you just don't understand. That's OK for the time being as my philosophy is for you to re-visit it until you do understand.

In most accounting software it is probably advisable to set up the general ledger first, or at least the different accounts in the general ledger for income and expenses as well as some simple balance sheet items like bank account, trade debtors, trade creditors etc.

It is a good idea anyway as it shouldn't take that long and will give you the tools from the outset to follow the double entry bookkeeping principles from day one. There is a section on this site about double entry principles - if you don't understand then use it.

You probably don't even have to fully understand at this stage what you are doing or why. This is the only exception that I will agree to that you can setup something that you don't fully understand and then move on.

If you really and absolutely don't want to start with the ledger in your accounting software, and your accounting software will let you continue without it, is not the end of the world and can be done later. Go onto the next section - 'Setting Up sales and Customer Invoicing'. Having said that give this a go first it is probably worth it in the long run and probably not as hard as you imagine.

Remember - you must feel comfortable with whatever you are doing.

The Ledger - Setting Up

The list of accounts in the ledger is typically called the 'Chart of Accounts', with the accounts being grouped in their like categories i.e. sales, expenses, assets and liabilities.

You may decide to ask your accountants advice on what accounts are necessary but the following is a good guide and a start if you want to go it alone. Common sense will also help.

Almost all accounting software packages will require you to use a code for your ledger accounts and many will also have the option of having departments and, or, sub codes attached to each code or account.

You almost certainly should ignore the departments and sub accounts at this stage if not forever. They are useful in large businesses but tend just to confuse the issue when you are starting out.

Some accounting software packages come with a chart of accounts already set up. That's OK, it may save you some work. If so print it out and relate to it.

Manyaccounting software packages will accept a numeric code only, some will accept alpha/numeric. I think numeric only is a good way to go if possible because it is a good way to group codes into categories. Many systems will allow up to twelve or more characters in the code and I have seen some small businesses use all twelve. This is nonsense and, if you use numeric only, 4 numeric characters should be more than enough. There is a complete section on another page about charts of accounts and I suggest you have a read of that as well.

Now the ledger is set up what next

There are sections on my site that cover the following steps and they are probably the order in which you should proceed.

* Sales and Customer Invoicing

* Products

* Accounts Payable

I have been involved in all aspects of the accounting software industry for over 20 years. I run several websites that specialize in various subjects including that gives advice on all aspects of accounting software from choosing, setting up and using it. Amongst other sites that I run are that helps newbies understand what internet business will probably work for them and what won’t. is all about arts, crafts, hobbies, wine and beer making and much more

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Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Medical Billing Software Products Review

Medical billing software reviews are one of the easiest ways to find out important facts regarding the function and use of certain types of medical billing software, as well as their limitations.

One software package that regularly garners superlative reviews is Lytec medical billing software. Computer experts and users alike agree that Lytec software has many positives, including a clear interface and a simple approach to the medical billing process.

The Lytec software suite tracks claims management, patient billing, insurance, and scheduling in a single package. The result is a workspace with a seamless quality in which a group of diverse functions, from electronic medical records to healthcare forms, behave in an integrated and coherent way.

A busy medical practice of any size can be a volatile environment, and a system that breaks down under heavy use is a real liability in this business. Lytec medical software is secure, auditable and completely expandable to your specific needs. More importantly it's simple enough to configure yourself.

NueMD is a medical practice management software created specifically for medical offices that also has received positive reviews. Comments have ranged from "NueMD is a functional and no-nonsense practice management solution transported over the Internet," to "NueMD allows online eligibility verification done by the client, claims submission, reporting, and analysis. This software is first-rate and is priced less than most systems of its kind."

Other reviews have indicated that the software is a success in small solo medical practices as well as large-scale operations, owing to its reasonable price and ease of use. The ease of use came up often, especially in terms of even a novice being able to pick it up quickly.

eClinicalWorks, another popular medical billing software provider, also earns a mention. It is considered one of the leading providers of integrated uninterrupted ambulatory EMR (Electronic Medical Records) and PM (Practice Management) systems for multiple-local medical practices that include diverse specialties.

eClinicalWorks is an award-winning company focused on customer care and satisfaction. KLAS a research and consulting firm dedicated to improving the performance of healthcare information technology providers recognized eClinicalWorks, with its distinguished "Best in Klas Award" 2004. This accolade is considered one of the most important honors in the field.


HR Payroll Software

The main roll and responsibility of the human resource department is to manage payroll system. Relying on company's employees to do this by hand, costs company more money and resources and is not efficient enough for productivity and time saving.

We suggest you, Instead of hiring an extra employee to take care of payroll, consider purchasing HR payroll software.

Payroll subjects can be complicated and the more employees you have, the more confusing it gets.

HR payroll software is designed to eliminate the confusion by helping you keep track of employees electronically.

Each employee may require different payroll options. Some get paid more than others. Some waived insurance. Others contribute to the 401K, but some don’t. HR payroll software offers a way for human resources to keep track of everything and insures that everyone gets paid the correct amount.

To find HR payroll software that fits your needs, you need to first consider how large your company is. Certain HR payroll software packages are better equipped to handle the demands of larger companies. Other HR payroll software packages are designed to benefit small to mid-sized companies. Also consider what benefits you offer your employees to make sure the software can accommodate them.

You will also want to make sure that the HR payroll software that you need is compatible with your computer operating system. If your computers are too old, you may not find a program that will accommodate it. At this point, you may want to update your computers before you purchase your HR payroll software. Budget is another concern, but the right software package will meet your needs without draining your budget.

If you would like your human resources department to be more efficient, consider purchasing HR payroll software to help make their jobs easier. It will help them keep track of employee pay, benefits, and investment options. When your company is large enough, it can be time consuming to do everything by hand.



The Top 40 Accounting Software Products

Top 40 Accounting Softwares

The following is the list of top 40 Accounting Softwares Available in Market

Top Ten Low-End Accounting Software Market
(Companies with Up to $5 Million in Revenue)

1. BusinessVision 32 (Best Software)


Small Business Manager (Microsoft)
3. M.Y.O.B (M.Y.O.B. Software)
4. Peachtree Complete Accounting 2004 (Best Software)
5. QuickBooks Pro 2003 (Intuit)


Simply Accounting (Best Software)
7. NetSuite

Vision Point 2000 (Best Software)

p Ten Middle-Market Accounting Software Market (Companies with $2 Million to $50 Million in Revenue)

(Listed in Alphabetical Order)


ACCPAC Advantage Series Corporate Edition (Best Software)


ACCPAC ProSeries (Best Software)
3. Accountmate (Best Software)
4. BusinessVision 32 (Best Software)


Great Plains (Microsoft)


MAS 90 & MAS 200 (Best Software)


Navision (Microsoft)


Solomon (Microsoft)


SouthWare Excellence Series (SouthWare)



p Ten in the Beginning ERP Market
(Companies with $25 Million to $500 Million in Revenue)
(Listed in Alphabetical Order)


ACCPAC Advantage Series Enterprise Edition (Best Software)


ACCPAC ProSeries (Best Software)


Axapta (Microsoft Software)
4. Epicor (Epicor Software)


e-Business Suite (Oracle)


Great Plains (Microsoft)




MAS 500 (Best Software)


Navision (Microsoft)


Solomon (Microsoft)

p Ten in the Tier 1 Market

(Companies with revenue Ranging from $250 Million and Up)

(Listed in Alphabetical Order)


ACCPAC Advantage Series Enterprise Edition (Best Software)


Axapta (Microsoft)
3. Epicor (Epicor )
4. Great Plains (Microsoft)


Lawson Enterprise 400 (Lawson Software)


MAS 500 (Best Software)


PeopleSoft World (PeopleSoft)


Oracle Financials (Oracle)


PeopleSoft (PeopleSoft)



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